from catalog ads with dynamic context enhanced images

Waterbucket will super-charge your advertising with Buy Now Pay Later and Flair integration.

Creative is the new targeting

Good creative finds audiences

Dynamic creatives

Are the best performing ads

Enhanced dynamic creatives
The water bucket rules engine
Maps call-outs to individual assets or categories of assets
Use creative to add context and find audiencesReach out to team@waterbucket.com to learn more

How does
Waterbucket work?

Waterbucket uses unique image overlay canvases to customize your product catalog with flair, badges, callouts, and dynamic BNPL prices. Our system makes it easy to segment your catalog to have always on fresh creative for Facebook, Klaviyo, Pinterest, TikTok, Snap, and more.

Buy Now Pay Later drives conversion

Waterbucket get more conversions by advertising the lower price. The pay later price changes how people think about the product, no matter how they end up paying for it. BNPL advertising can drive far more sales than BNPL payments can alone.

Show the "Starting At" price

The lower price triggers new consideration. It gives people more context and a new reason to buy.

Works with all major BNPL platforms

Pay in 4 or extended payments with APR callouts are possible.

Flair, badges, callouts, and promos

There are more than 100 different premade graphics you can deploy to enhance individual products, categories of products, or your whole catalog.

Upload your own flair, badges, or promo callouts and map the overlay to segments of your catalog for always fresh high performance creative.

Add context to every product to trigger additional consideration.

Unlimited creatives. Unlimited campaigns. No revenue share.

We become part of your technology stack. We are a resource your in-house creative team or agency can use to drive more sales.

Patent pending automated image processing

Optimal image sizes, quality, colors, and overlays for crystal clear always on dynamic creative.

Drag & drop lifestyle images

Showcase lifestyle images using lifestyle_image_link attribute on Google Ads or building a new lifestyle catalog for Meta Dynamic Product Ads.

Lifestyle ads get attention

They are a great way to leverage assets on some of the most efficent ad inventory available.

Waterbucket drag and drop lifestyle image tool for google feeds

Trusted by Agencies & Store Owners

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UGC in Facebook DPA

https://images.ironpulley.com/video/upload/q_auto/v1658337431/waterbucket.com/Other%20Assets/ugc_extension_hegjvh.mp4 Add User Generated Content images to products in your feed. These images become slideshows in Facebook DPA creatives and

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Reach out to our team for any inquiries, feedback, or assistance